NEU: englische Unterrichtspakete

für die 11./12. Schulstufe

Ziel ist, Schülerinnen und Schülern ausgewählte Themen der Verbraucherbildung zu vermitteln und dabei gleichzeitig die englische Sprache zu vertiefen. Satzbau, Zeitformen und Wortschatz entsprechen dem Niveau B2 nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER). Die Materialien sind für die 11./12. Schulstufe vorgesehen.

Teaching material Sharing Economy

Deckblatt des Unterrichtspakets "Sharing Economy", © BMSGPK

The material includes

  • Information for teachers and students about sharing economy and consumers in the sharing economy
  • Vocabulary lists
  • Method „Forming sentences“
    Equipped with prepared sentence beginnings and endings, the students spread out in the room. They form the correct sentences and the topic of the sharing economy is discussed together in the classroom.
  • Method „Examples of the sharing economy“
    Examples of sharing economy in practice are collected by the students and then researched in small groups and reworked on the worksheet.

Teaching material Searching and buying on the Internet

Deckblatt des Unterrichtspakets "Searching and Buying on the Internet", © BMSGPK

The material includes

  • Information for teachers and students about risks and consequences
  • Vocabulary lists
  • Method „The product round“
    In a joint round of discussions, the students‘ personal experiences are explored in order to address the opportunities and risks of the Internet in the context of searching for and purchasing goods.
  • Method „Case stories“
    Students work on real-life case studies in small groups. Consumer law knowledge and consequences of actions are developed and then presented by the teams afterwards. 

Teaching Material What is the price of the world?

Deckblatt des Unterrichtspakets "What is the price of the world?", © BMSGPK

The material includes

  • Information for teachers and students about the challenges of living costs and tables with reference values
  • Vocabulary lists
  • Method „International budget analysis“
    The students get to know living situations and costs of living from other countries by contacting people via social networks and interviewing them. The results are compared with Austrian costs and discussed.
  • Method „Life here and there: What is different?“
    In small groups, the students accompany a person or family from their private environment. As a result, a photo with the weekly food consumption is created and presented.

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